A little about me, Part 3

So, what's all this got to do with M0UAW and why is an M0 'newly licensed?

We're getting there, I promise...

I'd been mulling the idea of becoming a licensed amateur for years, ever since the (pre legalisation) heyday of CB, a few of my friends were/are G7s and I could whistle a pitch perfect 1750Hz, into the legal days then on and off for the next three decades.

Finally, in 2016, I visited the Telford rally (did I mention I liked and had been attending rallies for years?) at Ingenuity and got chatting to the young bloke on the RSGB stand (I was already a GQRP member) who kindly sold me a copy of the Foundation Now book.

The book, well I read it, then put it away, almost convinced I was missing something, it was too easy!

A few months passed by and then I found the book again, read it and decided, no, it really wasn't more complex than that so I started to try and find a club who would allow me to take the exam.

Herein we discover one of the reasons why Amateur radio is not attracting new people, the clubs, it's a pain in the arse to find one who even responds to emails, voicemail or text messages.

I tried, unsuccessfully, to get in touch with the two clubs closest to me, two years later and I'm still waiting for a response from one, the other, well rude doesn't describe them adequately, I've since heard from other people who have tried to get their licence via that club, my experience was entirely typical.

I gave up, had a whinge on a couple of forums, the GQRP mailing list and just put it on the back burner again for a while, reading replies and filing the information away while considering just dropping the idea entirely.

But, I don't like being told I can't do things, so, I didn't entirely give up, I wanted that licence,  eventually, emails started flying and the RSGB suggested I contact North Cheshire Radio Club
where I got a prompt response from Jill, the club secretary who suggested I contact David, the club instructor.


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