Shorter Waves

Been a while, life has been, well, to put it bluntly, crap. 

Lots happened, not good things. 

There will be content here soon and I hope to catch up with all my obligations real soon.


  1. Hi Clint,

    A bit OT for your comment but I couldn't find an Email address for you. Someone mentioned to me you are looking for details to program an Icom U101. From memory, this uses the same method as the Icom ic H10. It may be worth searching for details for the H10- I believe they were more common. In fact, I'm sure I've programmed an H10 in the past for someone else. Unfortunately, over the years, I've programmed many radios and the details escape me at the moment 73 Brian, G8OSN

    1. Thanks Brian, I'd given up trying to find software to program it, looks like there's DOS software for the H10 so I'll try and work out which one and then obtain it.

      Plans are to test the radio on 70cm, once I know it works properly I've got 'ideas' for it.


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